Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mystery of mathematics

Mathematic is mysterious..while some find ot challenging and exciting, others may find it a bore and scary!. What influences these extreme feeling that diffferent individues experiences? Is it true that only certain type people are good at mathematics..? Are those people who are good in mathematics gifted? So what has gone wrong for people who are always hopelessly confuse with simple mathematicsl ideas?

Students who like mathematics enjoy the challenge and likes to dwell on its symbols and ideas. I used to get thrilled when i could solve all exercises or homework given. The achievement of getting good marks in mathematics somehow eventually becomes ones status quo in school...closely guided so that no one can beat you! Those that lag behind usually never catches up and ends up as freak in maths...

Teachers factors to me is another important variable.. a good teacher explain asbtract concept well and clearly,while some may just grapple with the ideas leaving lots of confusing ideas among the students..drillling students with endless exercises is not the solution to mastery of mathematical ideas for this mechanical actions can be very damaging to students long term learning..the difficulities with conceptual teaching is students usually can be irritatingly impatient and want a quick way out..hence they normally are more interested in what shall be assessed!Test..Exam! included in test or not..? these are questions that can be annoying.

In secondary school i have this great math teacher, Encik Ismail. He explains well and kept challenging us with various questions that he expected we are able to do once he briefly explain the main concepts.. we were so nervous when he started picking on students to finish the exercise on board..but then again he would smile at us when we successfully solved the questions. He was always there even in the afternoon to help us out.. you were one Great Teacher.

I took  extra classes for my additional mathematics once a week in form five to prepare for my SPM. Another Malay male teacher from another school taught me.Cant remember his name now. He was so enthuasistic that it catches on us. . I met him last year..wearing kupiah and sarung. AT the age of sixty he is still teaching his own tuition was beeming widely when i approach him and say -Thank you sir for the knowledge that you have imparted to me so sincerely and so well.
I will always remember them.May God Bless Them.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i do have great mathematics teachers last time.mathematic is fun!

Anonymous said...

siswazah zaman sekarang,blaja peluang kerja kurang di pasaran...apa pandangan doktor?

Anonymous said...

mathematics has been used in many field of our lifes..

Anonymous said...

so mystery...more complicated once you are at high level...but i enjoy learned it...

Anonymous said...

nice learning

Anonymous said...

Azlan said :For my opinion, i think the one way for applying math in our life is we can predict what the result produce from our action,so at least we can think it before we doing something and what the effect produced from action taken.We also can solve any problems we faced because math teach us to calculate until we got the find your solution as u find solution for your math question =D

Unknown said...

i do love maths since primary school...

bkLady said...

nah, im not really in2 math since it seem like math n me is not suitable.. especially during my degree, i had never got an A in it

Anonymous said...

sy minat math sebab ayah saya paksa saya blajar math sejak umur 4 tahun. ayah saya kata, math mengajar kita menjadi jujur.

Anonymous said...

i do agree that mathematics is about concept..if there is no objectives it mean nothing..if someone not reach to the concept there will be confusing in solving mathematics meaning that he/she not reach objective at all..-malachite

Aishah said...

Umm menarik..Mathematic menjadikan kita jujur..? bagaimana tu.?

Anonymous said...

in my opinion,there is a lot of potential job for us,maybe there is a restriction from us that not fulfill the market requirement.why certain website offer a lot of job such as jobstreet,jobdb for us?-malachite

Anonymous said...

at least u try your best,Massitah..!!allah lebih mengetahui!!-malachite

Anonymous said...

i agree with Azlan,math people think first before he/she make differ from art people where they need emotions to make decision,for example to draw a picture.that why almost math people have better paid and to art people they always choose path that suit them,what they prefer to before assess the pros and cons-malachite

Aishah said...

Tau dulu disekolah fail ..semua subjek..tapi sekarang nama dia never give up hope.Keep on trying and success surely will sooner or later.


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