Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maal Hijrah

Salam to All. Selamat tinggal tahun 2009..tahun hijrah 1430.

WELCOME 2010.. 1431 HIJRAH.
Semoga tahun baru ini dikurniakan dengan penuh kegembiraan, kesejahteraan, kesihatan dan kerahmatan dari Allah.

My wish lists..
Keimanan, kejayaan, kesejahteraan, kesihatan ahli keluarga..(Fahda SPM, Salsabila UPSR, Nadiah PMRU Semoga berjaya)
Semoga tahun ini kurang jenayah terhadap kanak kanak/umum (Mereka yang seharusnya dibela oleh orang dewasa..sebaliknya dizalami.)
Masalah sosial dikalangan Remaja Islam diatasi.(kurang manipulasi masamedia tetapi tindakan..tindakan....tindakan penyelesaian!!)
Proactive /sensitive/dynamic students that make a difference.
Many many more..but will stop here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Equity in Mathematics

I  acame across Dr Peter Gates (UK) - social issues in Mathematic Edu interesting paper... In PME news letter 34(nov 2009): He raised the following issues:

  • "Blind spot" in Mathematics education is ME redistributes wealth to the rich; we focus more on the curriculum – but curriculum itself is a political entity (Apple,1979). We focus on teaching strategies – but teaching is a political act...
    According to him, we avoid politics not because it is a dirty word, but because too many of us have too much to lose. He claim that we are after all successes of the status quo, and unbalancing that by asking too many difficult questions threatens to unbalance us....
  • Street mathematics, workplace learning, situated cognition, activity theory have all played a part in our field– raised in my article on equity and social justice in the recent PME handbook (Gates, 2006).
  • Cynthia Nicol (2002) raises that mathematics teachers just do not know what goes on outside the school gates. Too many mathematics teachers do not understand where mathematics is actually used and what it is used for. Mathematics is used as a tool to solve problems of course, but it is also used as a social filter – “a badge of eligibility for the privileges of society” (Atweh, Bleicher and Cooper, 1998, 63).
Gates also asked ME to put more focus on different settings, to embrace difference, and try to see things differently. But most importantly, to try to see how is our contribution to inequity and injustice, because you can’t take a neutral position.
Lots of stuff to think about there..!!How can we relate these to Malaysian edu scenario???


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