Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dr Miller (Mathematics Prof)
Keep an open mind and read..
Dr. Gary Miller is a Canadean professor in Math. He is a former Christian missionary and minister and very knowledgable of the bible. He converted to Islam in a very interesting Story. He decided to read the Quran to find mistakes and errors that he might take advantage of while inviting Muslims to convert to Christianity. He expected the Qur'an to be an old book written 14 centuries ago, a book that talks about the desert and so on. He was amazed from what he found. Since he was a Prof in Math, he sees everything through with a logical mind. He started to read, and he was amazed how perfect the Quran is. He ended up converting to Islam, and having small booklets and a lot of lectures about Islam.


Learn more from this for more articles and stories..Very inspiring..

His presentation about Islam

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mathematics and Art

Some interesting blog that discuss art and mathematics:

International Mathematics Journal

Some of the link i have come across containing Int Journal Of Mathematics
1. European Link-european mathematical information service SOme that may be of interest..

More can be obtain form EMIS link.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Malaysia Mathematics Journal Online

List of Mathematics Journals made available by some local Univ.(open access)

May be more university should follows..UiTM..?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kreativiti dalam matematik

Kenapa seseorang itu lebih kreatif dibanding dengan individu lain?Apakah yang menyebabkan ia kreatif? Bagaimana kreativiti ini berkembang? Adakah kreativiti terjadi secara semulajadi? Persoalan ini merupakan persoalan yang menjadi bahan kajian ramai ahli psikologi mahupun pendidik dalam pelbagai bidang.

Teori psikoanalitik (Freud, Jung, Eyesenk dll) mencadangkan sifat psiko atau tidak normal menjadi pencetus kepada sifat kreatif. ..

Pada 1907, Freud berkata, ‘
The child’s best-loved
and most intense occupation is with his play or games. …he
creates a world of his own, or rather, re-arranges the things of
his world in a new way which pleases him'

Teori ini tidak mengambilkira faktor sosial atau biologi individu sebaliknya berasaskan kepda experimen kendiri yang 'bias'. Manakala ada juga pandangan yang mengatakan seorang itu memiliki sifat sedikit 'tidak waras' jika ia seorang sangat kreatif. (ummm..teringat biografi beberapa genius yang 'keliru')

Frank Barron berpendapat

The creative person is more primitive and more cultured, more destructive and more constructive, crazier and saner, than the average person” (Harman & Rheingold, 1984).

(Cuba ingat sejarah hidup ahli matematik Erdos..?)

Manakala secara sosiologinya Maslow berpandangan keperluan kepada perkara asas dalam kehidupan menjadi pendorong kepada usaha mencari jalan kearah keperluan ini. Lihat Maslow ..

Bagaimana menjadi kreatif ?
Beberapa langkah yg dicadangkan...
1. Mempertingkatkan kebolehan mengambarkan sesuatu yang abstrak
2. Sentiasa melakukan aktiviti melibatkan cabaran kepada minda
3. Berminat dan melakukan aktiviti dengan kesungguhan

Halangan kepada kreativiti ..(Take note!)

1. Diri individu itu sendiri yang diselubungan dengan sifat negatif. Dr. John Chaffee (2002) menegaskan ' the biggest threat to creativity lies within people themselves, and this threat is the “negative voice of judgment,” suara negatif yang mentidakan kebolehan sendiri. Mengatakan 'tidak boleh' apabila timbul keinginan melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza.
(Teringat kata kata 'ayahanda' Dato Prof Husin yang sentiasa bercakap tentang 'inner voice' atau - 'Bisikan -bisikan' ) Menarik.

Creative models
Refer to

More on philosophy -metaphyzical discussions
Refer to

Freud, S. ‘Creative Writers and Daydreaming’ in The Complete Psychological
Works Vol IX, London: Hogarth Press, 1959 p.143-144.

Matematik dan kreativiti -William Byers famous model..will discuss this issue later..I have been reading Byrs's work for some time now..too much to elaborate . Will do so later when my thoughts are more organise. when i have more time to dwell on this huge issues.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Barcelona 1- 3 July 2009

On Tourist Bus-a day trip around Barcelona for 25Euro.

Artist performing in Rambla street

Attended Conference 2009 (CGI publisher) -almost 500 participants with additional of 400 virtual presenters....Huge conference.

What an eye opener! Barcelona is beautiful town many things going on and is a very lively town.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Congkak is traditional Malay games. It originates from..?South african also play similar kind of games but they called it ..?will write more abotu this when i have some time.


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