Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maal Hijrah

Salam to All. Selamat tinggal tahun 2009..tahun hijrah 1430.

WELCOME 2010.. 1431 HIJRAH.
Semoga tahun baru ini dikurniakan dengan penuh kegembiraan, kesejahteraan, kesihatan dan kerahmatan dari Allah.

My wish lists..
Keimanan, kejayaan, kesejahteraan, kesihatan ahli keluarga..(Fahda SPM, Salsabila UPSR, Nadiah PMRU Semoga berjaya)
Semoga tahun ini kurang jenayah terhadap kanak kanak/umum (Mereka yang seharusnya dibela oleh orang dewasa..sebaliknya dizalami.)
Masalah sosial dikalangan Remaja Islam diatasi.(kurang manipulasi masamedia tetapi tindakan..tindakan....tindakan penyelesaian!!)
Proactive /sensitive/dynamic students that make a difference.
Many many more..but will stop here.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Equity in Mathematics

I  acame across Dr Peter Gates (UK) - social issues in Mathematic Edu interesting paper... In PME news letter 34(nov 2009): He raised the following issues:

  • "Blind spot" in Mathematics education is ME redistributes wealth to the rich; we focus more on the curriculum – but curriculum itself is a political entity (Apple,1979). We focus on teaching strategies – but teaching is a political act...
    According to him, we avoid politics not because it is a dirty word, but because too many of us have too much to lose. He claim that we are after all successes of the status quo, and unbalancing that by asking too many difficult questions threatens to unbalance us....
  • Street mathematics, workplace learning, situated cognition, activity theory have all played a part in our field– raised in my article on equity and social justice in the recent PME handbook (Gates, 2006).
  • Cynthia Nicol (2002) raises that mathematics teachers just do not know what goes on outside the school gates. Too many mathematics teachers do not understand where mathematics is actually used and what it is used for. Mathematics is used as a tool to solve problems of course, but it is also used as a social filter – “a badge of eligibility for the privileges of society” (Atweh, Bleicher and Cooper, 1998, 63).
Gates also asked ME to put more focus on different settings, to embrace difference, and try to see things differently. But most importantly, to try to see how is our contribution to inequity and injustice, because you can’t take a neutral position.
Lots of stuff to think about there..!!How can we relate these to Malaysian edu scenario???

Monday, November 16, 2009

Good Mathematics resources site

1. TURNBULL is the home of the award-winning MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive -- an integrated collection of over 1000 biographies and historical articles of a mathematical nature, alongside interactive birthplace maps and the famous curve applet

3. ZAIDI LEARN- ALL U WANT TO KNOW ABT TECHNOLOGY This is winner.. Accidently come across this site..owned by Zaid Ali Alsagof.
Very interesting and refreshing too! ..with loads of material FREE resources...should be of interest to any educators.
Allah bless him



Teaching Maths, Science in English

There are MANY pros and cons.. While i have my own opinion (I have 2 daughters in primary school and 1 in secondary school)related to this issue, i shall only put forth Some of the research related papers that have been published:

Recall the following statement released by the Jemaah Nazir (School inspectoriat)

"Dasar ini digubal berasaskan hakikat bahawa Sains dan Matematik adalah bidang ilmu yang sangat dinamik dengan pelbagai penemuan baru dan sebahagian besar maklumat yang berkaitan dengannya terdapat dalam bahasa Inggeris. Matlamat akhir dasar ini adalah membolehkan murid mengakses maklumat yang berkaitan melalui pelbagai media supaya mereka mampu menguasai ilmu Sains dan Matematik dan lebih berdaya saing di peringkat antarabangsa di samping melahirkan generasi yang kukuh dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggeris.”
(Jemaah Nazir Sekolah, 2006, p.13)
We can therefore summarized 3 main objectives of PPSMI’s :
i) Enable learners master Science and Mathematics;
ii) Prepare the learners so that they become more competitive internationally; and
iii) Engender a generation of learners who are well-versed in the English language

This is 14 year boy blog writing
about Malaysian politics including PPSMI...hmm..he still have along way to go....

1. Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English: The Teachers' VoicesMohamad Fadhili Bin Yahaya, Mohd Asri Bin Mohd Noor, Ahmad Azman Bin Mokhtar, Rafizah Binti Mohd Rawian, Mahmod Bin Othman, Kamaruzaman Jusof.
The policy to change the medium of instruction in the teaching of Mathematics and Science from Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) to English in 2003 is an important innovation affecting not only the students but also teachers of Mathematics and Science. However, how far do the changes affect the teachers is the issue addressed in the paper. In fact the objectives of the study were to investigate the reaction of the mathematic and science teachers to using English as the medium of instruction, the problems encountered by these teachers in using English in the classroom and the availability of language support systems. A study was conducted on a group of pre-university educators in the northern part of Malaysia who have undergone language enhancement courses known as English for the Teaching of Mathematics and Science (ETeMS). The study reveals that teachers of mathematics and science are generally perceptive of the change in the medium of instruction but needing some sustainable measures to not only improve their language ability and delivery. Thus it is hope that certain measures would be taken to address on teachers struggle to ensure the success of the policy.

2. Aziz Nordin,, Students perception of teaching and learning of mathemtics in englishAbstract
Students use language to communicate and to understand mathematics concepts. Language
influences students’ thought by molding perception and structuring ideas. However, in recentyears, science and mathematics in lower secondary subjects have been taught in English.This may create problems in learning these subjects. Therefore, this research was carried outto gather information and to get the clearer picture on what have happened regarding theteaching and learning science and mathematics in schools. The research instrument was a setof 16-item questionnaire that was designed to identify students’ perception on teaching andlearning mathematics. The respondents consist of 279 lower secondary school students fromthree schools in rural area of Johor, Malaysia. The research found out that the respondents agreed to the importance of English Language in everyday life as well as career opportunity
but felt that learning science and mathematics was very difficult and demanding due to the lack of ability in understanding the subject matters and instructional language. The result showed that learning science is more difficult than mathematics. Finally, there arechallenges for the science and mathematics teachers to overcome students’ learning difficulties andto promote effective learning among students.

3. Proceeding math UNIPA/ project 21st century, Hamidah Ab Rahman, Aziz Nordin, Mukheta Isa, Fatimah Puteh, Faruk Muhammad, Norazman Abd Majid, Aminah Ahmad Khalid, Siti Fatimah Bahari, Hj Shufaat Tumin & Zurihanmi Zakariya (Universiti

Abstract The implementation of the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI)through the integration of ICT in 2003, teachers’ competency in teaching the subject is put to test sicne many of our teachers today have had very little exposure to the subjects in English. Many were taught in Malay and trained to teach in Malay. Many too have little experience of using ICT in their teaching. To ease the problem with regard to the language and ICT, the Ministry of Education has introduced several meaningful programs aimed at preparing the teachers and boosting their confidence in teaching the subjects. A research involving 575 teachers was conducted throughout the country to examine the effectiveness of the programs organized by theministry and togauge whether of not the trainings given were adequate and relevant to the needs of the teachers to teach
the subjects in English. Questionnaires, which comprised of structured items to elicit information with respect to facts, perception, opinion and attitudes of the respondents towards PPSMI were administered to the teachers. The findings reveal that the implementation of the teaching of Mathematics in English in schools was at satisfactory level (53.4%). The respondents also agreed that they have improved their command of the English language and that their level of confidence to teach Mathematics in English have also improved.Finally, recommendations for further study were suggested so as to further improve the teaching of Mathematics in English

4. Hen Tan & Chan Swee Heng, Teaching math and science in english: Perspective from UPM(2003)
Preparing teachers to teach Mathematics and Science in English is a responsibility that cuts across many institutions and agencies. Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) is one such institution given the responsibility of equipping the Mathematics and Science Trainee Teachers (MSTTs) with the skills of using English to teach both subjects. The UPM teacher training programme for this purpose is jointly conducted by the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies with the education component provided by the Faculty of Educational Studies. The Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication is entrusted with the role of designing and implementing intensive English courses for the MSTTs to teach in English. This paper discusses issues and concerns about the effort involved in equipping MSTTs at UPM with the necessary English Language skills so that teaching along the stated objectives is achieved. It also elaborates on the profile of these MSTTs which includes their perceptions on the use of English for the teaching of mathematics and science. The paper invites discussion on the directions that tertiary institutions could embark on to fulfill the MSTTs’ language needs.

5.Ong Saw Lan & May TAN, Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan,Jilid 23 (2008)(usm) Mathematics in English-Teachers experinces in the classroom
Abstract: In 2003, the Malaysian government implemented a new policy in the national education system; English is made the language of instruction in schools for the teaching of Mathematics, Science and technology subjects. These subjects had formerly been taught in the Malay language. The purpose of teaching Science and Mathematics in English is to enable students to acquire proficiency in English while learning the content. This study aims to provide more in-depth information concerning teachers’ experiences and classroom practices in the implementation of the change in language of instruction for Mathematics and Science. To gather information on teachers’ experiences with the policy change, classroom observation and semi-structured interviews were conducted with the four Mathematics and Science teachers. While teachers interviewed are supportive of the policy, they are still struggling with the realities of implementing this policy. Three factors appear to be salient in influencing how quickly a teacher can effect the transition into teaching entirely in English. They are the prior educational background of teachers, the linguistic environment in school and the linguistic abilities of their students.

6.Cheah,(2008) Refining communication to improve didactics: A case study , (Recsam).
This paper presents a preliminary report of a case study on a lesson conducted as part of a project to introduce the Lesson Study approach to a group of teachers. The lesson which was planned collaboratively by three teachers to focus on mathematical communication and thinking was then carried out by one of the teachers. The lesson was videotaped and the communication that took place was then transcribed and interpretively analysed. The findings of the study revealed that the lesson tasks designed by the teachers were generally able to stimulate active pupil participation in the lesson. However the communication in the lesson was mostly focused on the teacher attempting to lead the pupils to arrive at his answers. While the study did raise some issues as to the way mathematical communication is carried out in the Malaysian primary classroom, it was found that the Lesson Study method was a suitable and non-threatening approach for teachers to improve and further develop mathematical communication in the classroom

AND MATHEMATICS IN ENGLISH AT UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Proceeding 11th. Annual International Conference ‘ Shaping the future of Science, Mathematics and Technical Education (2006). Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education,Brunei
Malaysia has recently shifted the teaching of science and mathematics in English (SME). The implementation which began in 2003 has attracted a lot of debate and discussion. Not least, the fact that the national language has already been proven to be a successful language of higher education in the past 35 years. This paper presents findings from a study at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia to analyze students’ preference for the language of instruction in science and mathematics based programs and their language of group interaction. The paper also discusses the
issues in the implementation of SME including the wide difference in the English proficiency of students based on the Malaysian English University Test and the concerns of lecturers implementing SME. The paper concludes by asking whether there is a possible solution to the impasse of the nationalistic and globalist imperatives.

8.Nor Hashimah Jalaludin,(2008) The Mastery of English Language among Lower SecondarySchool Students in Malaysia: A Linguistic Analysis, European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 7, Number 2
Teaching English language is a big challenge in this country. Students are still unable to acquire or even comprehend the language even after eleven years of learning the language at the primary and secondary levels. A study conducted on 315 Form Two students’ shows that the most obvious weaknesses of the students lay in the area of grammar, particularly in the aspects of morphology and syntax. Some of the problematic grammatical categories are affixes, adverbs, adjectives, plural forms, copula, subject-verb agreement. This contributes 60% of the total mistakes committed by the students. It is apparent that the attributing factor is the different grammatical structures between Malay and English. For example,Malay does not have morphological markers for adverbs (i.e. –ly) plurality (i.e. -s, es), superlative form for adjectives (i.e –er, -est) and these are some of the constraints the students face in learning the English language. Meanwhile, the different structure in syntax can be seen in relative pronouns, subject-verb agreement, copula and determiners, thus make the subject even more difficult to learn. Apart from the linguistics obstacles, the social surroundings such as attitude towards the language and the environment that do not encourage them to use the language have worsened the effort of acquiring the language.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Survey International Timms,Pisa

There are several international comparative studies that have been carried out worldwide. Some of which

1. TIMMS=Trends in BoldInternational mathematics and Science Study

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007 is the fourth comparison of mathematics and science achievement carried out since 1995 by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), an international organization of national research institutions and governmental research agencies. In 2007, 36 countries participated at grade four and 48 participated at grade eight. some comments...can go to

Kita sebenarnya tertanya apakah prestasi pelajar Melayu secara keseluruhannya. Pencapaian pelajar bandar dan luarbandar? Jika perbandingan dibuat dimanakah letaknya skel anak bangsa kita ?

Hasil kajian ini tidak harus dipolitikkan..sebaliknya diambil iktibar dan strategi menyeluruh dirancang dan dirangka agar keadaan dapat dibaiki dengan segera.. Pihak politik (tidak kira samada DAP/Umno maupun Mca) cenderung (fanatik ?.) .. melihat perspektif kaum mereka..apabila menguntungkan aruspolitik mereka maka diamlah ..jika tidak menguntungkan arus mereka .. bisingnya seolah dunia akan kiamat!

kadang kadang naik jelak mereka senario sebegini.

Saya sendiri tertanya bagaimanakah nasib anak anak melayu yang berada dipendalaman..malah dikota pun keadaan pendidikan (kawasan flet/setinggan..?) mungkin lebih buruk dari kawasan pendalaman...begitu ramai pendidik /prf di universiti sewajarnya satu kata sepakat diambil dengan mengembeleng tenaga kearah membina satu generasi yang peka dan cintakan ilmu.

Malaysia participate in TIMMS 1999,2003. Performing well in 1999/2003. But result in 2007 were not good. The main blame cited by many for the poor performances are due to government policy- teaching and learning of mathematics and science in English.


Satu lagi kajian perbandingan antara bangsa. Fokus lebih kepada pengetahuan bersifat kuantitatif (statistik).

However for PISA study Malaysia have yet to do so.
Various papers have discussed about these finding.Will discuss these issues...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dr Miller (Mathematics Prof)
Keep an open mind and read..
Dr. Gary Miller is a Canadean professor in Math. He is a former Christian missionary and minister and very knowledgable of the bible. He converted to Islam in a very interesting Story. He decided to read the Quran to find mistakes and errors that he might take advantage of while inviting Muslims to convert to Christianity. He expected the Qur'an to be an old book written 14 centuries ago, a book that talks about the desert and so on. He was amazed from what he found. Since he was a Prof in Math, he sees everything through with a logical mind. He started to read, and he was amazed how perfect the Quran is. He ended up converting to Islam, and having small booklets and a lot of lectures about Islam.


Learn more from this for more articles and stories..Very inspiring..

His presentation about Islam

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mathematics and Art

Some interesting blog that discuss art and mathematics:

International Mathematics Journal

Some of the link i have come across containing Int Journal Of Mathematics
1. European Link-european mathematical information service SOme that may be of interest..

More can be obtain form EMIS link.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Malaysia Mathematics Journal Online

List of Mathematics Journals made available by some local Univ.(open access)

May be more university should follows..UiTM..?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Kreativiti dalam matematik

Kenapa seseorang itu lebih kreatif dibanding dengan individu lain?Apakah yang menyebabkan ia kreatif? Bagaimana kreativiti ini berkembang? Adakah kreativiti terjadi secara semulajadi? Persoalan ini merupakan persoalan yang menjadi bahan kajian ramai ahli psikologi mahupun pendidik dalam pelbagai bidang.

Teori psikoanalitik (Freud, Jung, Eyesenk dll) mencadangkan sifat psiko atau tidak normal menjadi pencetus kepada sifat kreatif. ..

Pada 1907, Freud berkata, ‘
The child’s best-loved
and most intense occupation is with his play or games. …he
creates a world of his own, or rather, re-arranges the things of
his world in a new way which pleases him'

Teori ini tidak mengambilkira faktor sosial atau biologi individu sebaliknya berasaskan kepda experimen kendiri yang 'bias'. Manakala ada juga pandangan yang mengatakan seorang itu memiliki sifat sedikit 'tidak waras' jika ia seorang sangat kreatif. (ummm..teringat biografi beberapa genius yang 'keliru')

Frank Barron berpendapat

The creative person is more primitive and more cultured, more destructive and more constructive, crazier and saner, than the average person” (Harman & Rheingold, 1984).

(Cuba ingat sejarah hidup ahli matematik Erdos..?)

Manakala secara sosiologinya Maslow berpandangan keperluan kepada perkara asas dalam kehidupan menjadi pendorong kepada usaha mencari jalan kearah keperluan ini. Lihat Maslow ..

Bagaimana menjadi kreatif ?
Beberapa langkah yg dicadangkan...
1. Mempertingkatkan kebolehan mengambarkan sesuatu yang abstrak
2. Sentiasa melakukan aktiviti melibatkan cabaran kepada minda
3. Berminat dan melakukan aktiviti dengan kesungguhan

Halangan kepada kreativiti ..(Take note!)

1. Diri individu itu sendiri yang diselubungan dengan sifat negatif. Dr. John Chaffee (2002) menegaskan ' the biggest threat to creativity lies within people themselves, and this threat is the “negative voice of judgment,” suara negatif yang mentidakan kebolehan sendiri. Mengatakan 'tidak boleh' apabila timbul keinginan melakukan sesuatu yang berbeza.
(Teringat kata kata 'ayahanda' Dato Prof Husin yang sentiasa bercakap tentang 'inner voice' atau - 'Bisikan -bisikan' ) Menarik.

Creative models
Refer to

More on philosophy -metaphyzical discussions
Refer to

Freud, S. ‘Creative Writers and Daydreaming’ in The Complete Psychological
Works Vol IX, London: Hogarth Press, 1959 p.143-144.

Matematik dan kreativiti -William Byers famous model..will discuss this issue later..I have been reading Byrs's work for some time now..too much to elaborate . Will do so later when my thoughts are more organise. when i have more time to dwell on this huge issues.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Barcelona 1- 3 July 2009

On Tourist Bus-a day trip around Barcelona for 25Euro.

Artist performing in Rambla street

Attended Conference 2009 (CGI publisher) -almost 500 participants with additional of 400 virtual presenters....Huge conference.

What an eye opener! Barcelona is beautiful town many things going on and is a very lively town.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Congkak is traditional Malay games. It originates from..?South african also play similar kind of games but they called it ..?will write more abotu this when i have some time.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

free math book

a must

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Education Reform and Teachers Belief

Some papers that relates to this focus are:

1. Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Curriculum Reform by Boris Handal & Anthony Herrington, Mathematics Education Research Journal,
2003, Vol. 15, No. 1, 59-69

This paper discusses the role of mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their impact on
curriculum reform. It is argued that teachers’ beliefs about the teaching and
learning mathematics are critical in determining the pace of curriculum reform.
Educational change is a complex process in which teachers hold strong beliefs
about the quality and the process of innovation. Curriculum implementation may
only occur through sufferance as many teachers are suspicious of reform in
mathematics education given its equivocal success over the past decades.

Many teachers, when they come to enact the curriculum in
their classes, rely more on their own beliefs than on current trends in pedagogy.
These beliefs, conservative as they might be, have their own rationality in the
practical and daily nature of the teaching profession, and in the compelling
influence of educational systems from which these teachers are paradoxically the social product

Many of these teachers hold behaviourist beliefs, a fact that has strong implications for the success of constructivist-oriented curriculum reform.

In general, studies of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs reveal the extreme complexity of bringing about educational change, and largely explains the failure of many past reform endeavours

Friday, September 4, 2009

Free resources

1. Lessonplan online www

2. Some interesting lessonplan related to elementary mathematics activities-

3. Mathematical formulaes

4. Onother my favorite link

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My favourite reading places

These are some of the website I usually go to find interesting materials to read. MALAY ISSUES DISCUSSED ACADEMICALLY Electronic International Jorunal of Mathematics Education Journal of Research in Rural Education- Penn State University Journal of Knowledge Management Academic publishing

Sunday, March 29, 2009


PPMSI to me is taking tooo long to prove its worth. Meanwhile thousands students lagged behind while some would greatly benefit. Reports about the impact of PPSMI are conflicting and not comprehensive.

The policy should have not started until proper planning was done and teachers are fully prepared mentally and equipped with knowledge.
There is a huge differences between wanting to do and able to do it.

When it comes to education there is NO SHORTCUT...! The country need key policy makers in education ministry be academician or practioner. Nothing less would do. Then only would there be coherence in plan and actions. Save our education system before we it is too late.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mathematic poem

I enjoy reading this poem.Nice one

Algebra, algebra—it doesn’t make sense,Numbers and variables combined in strange ways,With symbols and signs—parentheses too,My footing is lost, I feel stuck in glue,Help, please help teacher— I’m depending on you!
Then there’s those lines, formulas strange,Point-slope, slope-intercept, that many the days,I sat there and wondered, why do this to me?I’m clueless, I’m fried, I’m ready to flee,Help, please help teacher—I’m going to scream.
Absolute value, never negative we’re told,But insert a variable and I’ve lost my hold.It’s x—no it’s negative x—c’mon what’s the deal?I must be dreaming, this can’t be real!Help, please help teacher—help me to feel.
Onto the galleries, where radicals repose,Irrational demons whose nature confirms,The essence of difficulty, why try to fight?We struggle, we labor, their cause to make right,Help, please help teacher, I’m losing my might.
Then came the quadratic, with roots complex and real,"B squared - 4ac" the discriminant we learned,It baffled the ablest, the roots to extract,Others sat paralyzed—and this is a fact!Help, please help teacher, keep us intact!
Polynomials—those creatures, they lurk in the dark,Harassing and scaring, no walk in the park.Add them and multiply, exponents confuse,Like terms, unlike terms, how dare you refuse?Help, please help teacher—give me some clues.
Then all of those monsters, we find in some words,Whose meaning we labor to extract from their core,We scream, we yell, we can’t take any more,These word problems kill us, they rankle our brain,Help, please help teacher, spare us this pain.
Thus onwards we toil, this subject to learn,Our pencils are sharpened, our notebooks secure.And learn it we must—no sense to rebut,Alternatives unpleasant—why sink in this rut?Help, please help teacher, help us make your first cut.
So on go the lessons, the learning stops not,Our wounds bathed in dressings, our pain masked with salve,The teacher’s emollients, applied with such grace,That none of us ever, could ever lose face,You’ve helped us dear teacher—we’ve finished the race!
The world we now enter, secure in its mists,We shout with such glory, we clench tight our fists.The math that you taught us has helped us to see,How good we’ve become and how good we can be.Thank you great teacher, you’ve filled us with glee


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